Own your content

Workspace of a person working at home

I believe it is important to own your own content, for example, on your own blog or website. Although social media is very tempting due to its reach and quick interactions, by sharing your content solely on these platforms, you are essentially giving it away, and that comes with risks.

The biggest advantage of placing your content on your own platform is ownership and control. You decide what happens with your content, how it is presented, and how visible it is. On social media platforms, you are at the mercy of algorithms that determine who gets to see your content. Even if you have many followers, there is no guarantee that all of them will actually see your posts. With your own blog or website, you control the visibility of your content.

Another major advantage is sustainability. A post on social media is fleeting. It quickly disappears into the endless stream of new posts and therefore has a limited lifespan. In contrast, content on your own platform remains findable, relevant, and valuable for a long time. Through (good) SEO, a blog post or article can still attract new readers or customers even months or years after publication.

Moreover, social media platforms can disappear or change (just think of the recent takeover of Twitter and the rebranding to X by Elon Musk). This could mean that you could lose everything. By hosting your content on your own website or blog, you prevent this from happening. You always retain full access to your material.

Another great advantage of publishing on your own platform is that it allows you to align your content fully with your brand identity and look & feel. This creates a clearer narrative, leading to a better connection with your target audience.

Does this mean you should stop posting on social media? No, not at all. Social media remains a powerful channel to increase your reach, connect with your audience, and drive traffic to your own platform. Use social media to engage your followers and then guide them to your own platform.

How do I set up a blog?

The reason people opt for a platform instead of a self-hosted blog is that they may lack the technical know-how. However, it’s not that difficult. There are several options: self-hosted WordPress, Ghost, or you can use a simple CMS like Jekyll or Hugo. For the slightly more experienced developer, I recommend Remix or Next.js, which don’t even require a CMS. This website and blog, by the way, are made with Next.js and Markdown. Are you convinced to set up your own blog and need help with it? Let me know!

By choosing to own your content, you are making a conscious long-term investment. It ensures more control, visibility, and a better connection with your audience, while preventing your creations from being at the mercy of external platforms or companies. Own. Your. Content.

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